Mexico Gulf Coast ITMB
This road map of Mexico & The Gulf Cost by ITMB @ 1:1,300,000 extends from Brownsville, Texas through Vera Cruz to the Yucatan Peninsula. Due to the shape of the region, all of Belize and about half of Guatemala is included, but the focus is on the many attractions of the eastern Gulf coast of Mexico.
Side 1 covers the northern coastal regions, going inland as far as Monterrey, Zacatecas, Morelia and Mexico City.
Side 2 shows the Gulf Coast from Tampico to Carmen, then on to Merida, Cancun, and the southern tip of Belize. By the shape of this part of Mexico, the Pacific Coast, from the Guatemalan border westwards past Acapulco is also shown.
All major roads are shown. This is a map for explorers and adventurers to discover by driving. It covers all of historic Mexico a fascinating country, where the first word you learn is ‘Hola!’