
Brazil (Bolivia, Paraguay,Uruguay) Marco Polo


Brazil, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay Marco Polo map features really easy to read cartography & the topography is highlighted with relief shading, spot heights with the road network clearly shown ranging from motorways all the way through to minor secondary roads.  Also included clearly indicated airports, places of interest, scenic/tourist routes, view points etc.

A booklet is attached to the cover and contains some useful information with a very extensive index that covers locations, places of interest and geographical features. Also included are a distance/driving time chart, a flap on the cover with an overview of the region and a set of reasonably detailed enlargements showing the major cities.

A unique feature this map is the stickers, a set of seven reusable stickers which won't damage the map when removed and re-used that can be used to highlight interesting places or the route planned.

The legend is in a multitude of languages including English.

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